Conservation Commission News & Announcements

tree in front yard of house

Revised Tree Preservation Bylaw - ready for June 12 Town Meeting

The following is the "Tree Talk" column as written by Brian Charville, Chair of the Lynnfield Planning Board, published in the... more ››

Rotary Park planting - FD

Volunteers gather at Pillings Pond for Planting Day!

Saturday, May 1 volunteers gathered at the Town’s Rotary Park site on Pillings Pond, kicking off the final phase of the Conservation... more ››


May 1 - Lynnfield Arbor Day celebration - 10:00am @ Town Hall

You’re invited! Join the Lynnfield Tree Committee to celebrate Arbor Day with a tree planting at Town Hall and Meet The Lorax. At 10 a.m.,... more ››

town common - spring look

The Common's new lawn looks fantastic!

The Common’s new lawn is greening up – and it is beautiful! But there’s another good story behind this pretty face.

photo of grass close-up

Lawn care – Here’s everything you need - early Spring to late Fall!

Attached below is everything you need for that lawn that you want this season. Download this 1-page flier from our partner GREENSCAPES and... more ››

world earth day

Earth Day is Today!

World Earth Day is observed around the globe every year on April 22. This day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern... more ››

John Kerry focuses climate lens on IPSWICH RIVER

John Kerry, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, sounds a powerful warning about the climate threats to our waterways, highlighting... more ››

baby oak tree

Our Native Oak Trees – environmentally, our biggest bang for the buck

Oaks support more life-forms than any other North American tree genus. These large native trees provide food and protection for birds to... more ››

moderate river drought photo

State declares Level 1 Drought Status for North Shore

On April 9, with precipitation, streamflow, and groundwater below normal as the state enters the spring season, MA Energy and Environmental... more ››

1000 TREES Project - dad and 2 kids planting a tree

Tree Committee Launches 1,000 TREES Project

The Tree Committee has launched an exciting community-based project to plant 1000 trees in Lynnfield.

tree in front yard

Planning Board submits revised Tree-Preservation Bylaw for Spring Town Meeting Warrant

In its April 7 meeting, the Planning Board voted unanimously to submit its most recent version of the revised Tree-Preservation Bylaw to... more ››

woods scene

Gov. Baker Signs Climate Legislation to achieve Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050

On March 26th, Governor Baker signed into law An Act Creating a Next Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy heralding... more ››

growth award

Lynnfield earns Arbor Day Foundation’s Prestigious GROWTH AWARD.

Since 1970 when the last Friday of April was first proclaimed “National Arbor Day,” Massachusetts has recognized this as a special day to... more ››

biochar socks

ConCom approves test of BIOCHAR for Pillings Pond

The Conservation Commission is pulling out a new tool from the tool box in its efforts to address the algae issues in Pillings Pond.

large tree trunk

When it comes to trees – bigger is better for carbon capture!

Trees are the best carbon capturers in the world. As every school student knows, during photosynthesis trees pull carbon dioxide out of the... more ››

Tree in front yard photo

Planning Board Revises Draft Tree-Preservation Bylaw

Planning Board Chairman Brian Charville has announced release of the February 25, 2022 draft Tree-Preservation Bylaw for the Town of... more ››

tree lined street

Planners Eye Revised Tree Bylaw for Spring Town Meeting

This article appeared in the January 20, 2021 edition of The Lynnfield Villager and is reprinted in its entirety here... more ››

richardson green forest

Richardson Green parcel - Residents Weigh In

 This article appeared in the January 4 edition of The Daily Item - and is reprinted in its entirety here. By... more ››
